Friday, December 30, 2011


The BMan is back after a day's hiatus.  I just didn't feel like writing yesterday.  Today is our last day on the beach before we rise up early in the morning to head home.  I am not looking forward to the 14-15 hour drive but have to make it to go to the Bengals game Sunday.  Then it's back on the road for four days to get some proposals together with some new school districts for my company.

We dropped #2 son and family off at the airport yesterday morning and had the evening to ourselves.  I already miss my little buddy grandkid #3.  He is a laugh a minute.  He is playing great, then it's like a light bulb goes off in his head and says I'm tired.  He changes from happy to tired in seconds.  He is going to be a talker.  He just says jibberish all day.  It would be great to know what he is saying.  I did figure out one thing.  He said "Paps you are the BEST!"

The LL and I went to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie yesterday aftenoon.  It was really good.  I recommend you see it, if you like adventure type of movies.  I really like when I go to movies and all the things in my mind just go away.  I find I really get into the times and moments of good movies.  After the movie we went to Roy's Hawaiian Fusion restaurant.  It was really good.  It was good to get some QT with LL.  I miss the #2 family, but I know where to find them when we get back.

Today it is our last beach time for a while.  The weather is magnificent.  It is in the low 70's and the beach is packed.  We are going to see Mission Impossible this afternoon, then our last dinner for this vacation.  Boy was this a quick week.  The LL and I have decided we could winter down here very easily.  Even when it's a little cool, it's much better than in Kentucky weather wise.

I am pumped for the Bengals game on Sunday.  It is a sellout and the place should be electric.  It will be a playoff atmosphere, because essentially it is a playoff game.  There is a huge difference between the crowd noise at a regular season game compared to a playoff game.  Also, there will probably be no sitting.  During these games the crowd is always standing and making noise.  Who Dey!!!!

Happy Birthday to the BMan's father-in-law, Lloyd Yancey.  He is 74 years young today!   Catch you later.

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